We cannot believe our little dude is already three months old! The time really does go by way too fast and he is getting so big! I am really bummed out that I am back at work because now our time is so limited together! A couple hours in the evenings isn't enough C-man time for me! But he is doing great at cousin Kim's during the day. He had a great first week over there-complete with a little diaper accident that involved a wardrobe change! We told Kim that we are giving him pep talks to get all of his dirty diapers out while he is at her house so we don't have to change them except on the weekends-so far it's working out great!
I don't have a whole lot of pictures this time-didn't take any this week since I was gone all day, but here are a few from the last couple of weeks!
Here he is on his 3 month birthday. GJ came over to hang out with Caleb while Doug and I went to Pappasito's for a date. It was a great dinner with just the two of us-although it's always good as three too!

Working on some tummy time on his surfboard.

Sportin' a sweet sweater vest and some cords for church.

And my favorite...I took a couple of pictures while he was asleep one morning to show everyone how he likes to chill-arms up behind his head. He just happened to smile in his sleep for this one!

I will post again soon...I promise not to wait so long next time!
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