He went to see the doctor for his two month checkup...weighing in at 12 lbs! He is 22.5 inches long too, so he is getting bigger by the day! He also had his first round of shots, which he really did well with. The nurse made Doug hold his arms down (which Doug was not happy about) and Caleb had a delayed reaction to the pain. After the first shot was over, he had the red faced, mouth wide open, no breathing look on his face. Then after the next 2, he let out some cries. Doug picked him up and he calmed down and went on to have a pretty good day after that. His poor little chubby legs are even more chubby now thanks to the swelling, but he did a great job. And much props to the nurse who gave him the shots because she went really fast!
Here is a picture my mom took of him talking to me...he has such a distinct face when he's talking. It's hilarious!
He crinkles up his nose when he really gets to laughing. Too funny!
Here is one of his many attempts to suck his thumb. He gets it in his mouth pretty good, but then he ends up just scratching his face and chewing on his thumb...so it's a work in progress.
We finally got a chance to go to lunch with Jess and Camryn. Caleb was very enthralled with his girlfriend as you can see in the picture below...they both pretty much slept all through lunch and then we went to see Janet at her office.
When we finally got them out of their car seats, they were pretty funny. Caleb is definitely bigger than Camryn, which is good. He likes his women dainty! Hee hee.
Here they are happy with their mommies!Then when we did a switcheroo, they both had a "WAAAH!" moment together and we busted out laughing. They were very entertaining.
"Say girl, can I hit you back?" Ha-we love that commercial! Here are the lovebirds chillin' on Janet's desk. They had a few moments of quality time together. Love at first sight!
Ok-so I'll end on an even funnier story. Camryn gave Caleb this funny onesie for one of our showers. I put it on him the other day to go up to Doug's office to pick him up from work. He was looking sharp with some blue pants! So later that evening after we got home, I took him into his room to change his diaper and took some pictures of him since he was in a good mood and wearing an outfit from his girlfriend. Little did we know that he was happy because he was about to unleash an explosion of poo about 2.5 seconds after this picture was taken. It was so bad that we had to cut him out of his cute onesie b/c there was no way I could have pulled it over his head without getting the poo all over him. So there you have it-I've included a close up picture of what the outfit said (thank goodness) because unfortunately he won't be wearing that one again! Sorry Camryn!
Our friends Clint and Madalyn came over Friday night to meet Caleb and have dinner with us. We had a great time catching up with them. The day of their wedding last March was the day we found out we were pregnant! Poor Madalyn had to endure our crazy stories of our times together at A&M. I'm sure she has heard plenty though-Uncle Clint is crazy! But it was a lot of fun and we are so glad they got to meet Caleb. We will have to take a trip up to see them next time.
This week Nena and GJ will be coming by for visits! Caleb enjoys their snuggle time tremendously!
***Please continue to pray for our friend Brad Wims as he struggles with cancer. We are still praying for healing as we lift him and their family up to God daily. Also pray for the Knight family-I went to high school with Ben and Missy, and their son Samuel is suffering with a mitochondrial disease. He is in the hospital now and they are praying for healing as well for their young son. I have links to both of these families' blogs at the right of this page.***
"...by His wounds we are healed." --Isaiah 53:5
Caleb is so unbelievably adorable. Shirley and I are organizing a Most Beautiful Baby Contest and the only two entrants will be Caleb and Ryan (Samoff). Ryan will win as most beautiful 5 1/2 month old baby and Caleb will win as most beautiful 2 month old baby! And, Shirley and I will both swear that they look EXACTLY like us! Bobbie
Too bad about that cute onesie... but a hilarious story! Camryn and I will find another funny onesie to send Caleb! :)
Caleb is so stinkin' cute! I love seeing the pics with Camryn. I see a great romance story developing here! That onesie is hilarious.
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