Here are the favor bags we made with "Monkey Munch" inside-banana chips, cheerios, and chocolate chips. We hung sock monkeys in the palm trees too!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Caleb's First Birthday!
Here are the favor bags we made with "Monkey Munch" inside-banana chips, cheerios, and chocolate chips. We hung sock monkeys in the palm trees too!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Little Monkey Man
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Some funny pics and a great video for your weekend viewing!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Caleb's First Trip to the Zoo!
We went to the zoo last Friday when the weather was amazing! Caleb did awesome(of course) and he was very observant of everything. He pointed and laughed at a lot of the active animals and had a great day-we will definitely be going again with the g-mas!
He's already a pro...
Caleb is loving this new walking thing. He now will let go of the coffee table, or Doug's recliner and just walk out to the middle of the room! He has really gotten the hang of taking a few steps and then steadying himself before taking off again. Look out Charlie-he's coming for you!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
First Word and First Steps!!!
Caleb decided last week he was going to say his first word! And I am excited-as a teacher and an avid reader-that it was BOOK! He is really funny now-he will go get one from the floor and say "book, book, buh-oo-k" Although the last few days it sounds like he's saying booger. Oh well-it is quite comical!
And last Saturday he decided to be extra brave and take some steps! We were so excited because all four of the grandparents (and Aunt Val) were there to witness the event. It was even more exciting since the Aggie game was proving to be pretty disappointing. We must have been too excited b/c I didn't take any video. But here are a few from Sunday afternoon-the are pretty short, I will try to record more soon. He is a big fan of taking two or three steps and then launching himself towards you.
He will be attending his first wedding this weekend, so coming soon will be pics of my little sharp dressed man. He will also be taking his first plane ride with Rocky as the pilot!!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Story Time
Pumpkin Patch!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Caleb's first Aggie Football Game!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Free Entertainment!
He is going to his first Aggie game this Saturday! Cannot wait! I will post plenty of pics next week!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Just a swingin!
Monday, August 31, 2009
A great end to an awesome summer!
Aggie football kicks off in 3 will see lots more maroon on here soon!